Sunday, February 27, 2011


If the old marketing mantra was," Nothing happens until somebody sells something," the new philosophy could be" Nothing happens until somebody brands something" (va-interactive, 2011).

Just rewind a little bit before we go further regarding branding. On the very first class of Managing Luxury course, I have learnt about Brand DNA. More interestingly, which helps me to understand more of how to create brand. The professor took us through in-class assignment which we are allowed to hand-on a new brand. The more I explore, the more I understand. But before I introduce you with my in-class material, I will explain more about how the luxury brand is being identified.

What is brand? general speaking, the brand intangibly associates with product or service, "a collection of feelings and perceptions about quality, image, lifestyle and status" (va-interactive, 2011). The brand elements consists of its vision (iconography), essence (Brand's DNA), mission (brand's accomplishment of providing a particular product) and values (an enduring beliefs and shared among the same group of members in the culture: In this extend, we are talking about the corporate values which is provided to customers). 

Luxury branding creates rarity and exclusivity. If the brand targets a wide range of target group, it will lost its exclusivity; therefore, it is hardly say that this brand is still luxury. Luxury is always identity. They may not have much different production process but what matters is how they communicate themselves to the society. For example, champagne and a champagne. Luxury champagne might use a better quality product but it is not much differ from the simple one- it depends on how the luxury one positions itself to its client. If the product is even more difficult to buy or lack of stock, clients tend to associate that brand to be more exclusive since not everyone could get the product easily. 

As mentioned earlier, identity or personality of the brand is what makes the brand distinctive. The brand should pay attention to following factors; emotive, visual code (logo), celebrity endorsement, photography, name (if it is recognizable), senses (shape, colour, smell, sound, icon, touch and service) and experience. 

Finally, following is my group in-class material that we came up with. We selected to create a brand new private jet service. The brand focuses on serving celebrities and sport persons who needs privacy traveling as well as discreet, premium service and food & beverage. 

Referring to above picture, we came up with the brandname 'JET-SETTER'. Our visual codes are jet, wing and shooting star. We believe that when combining together, these visual codes represent the emotions we emphasized on our project. Jet is the variable for us to deliver the service through while wing represents our smooth flight as well as genius service and finally shooting star refers to fast traveling. The emotive qualities of our brand are prestigious, classy, comfort, deluxe, stylish, exquisite, confidence, quintessentially, private and exclusive. Our typography is 'No matter where you are or where you want to go, private jet allows you to fly directly to your destination in your sense of comfort style and personality.'

We believed that these visual codes, emotive elements as well as typography would definitely bring success to JET-SETTER.


Virtual Advisor Inc. (2009). Building Your Brand. Available at: (Accessed 27 February 2011).

Chapman, C. and Tulien, S. (2010). Brand DNA: Uncover Your Organization’s Genetic Code for Competitive Advantage, Bloomington: iUniverse.

Upshaw, B.L. (1995). Building Brand Identity: A Strategy for Success in a Hostile Marketplace Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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