Luxury brands know they cannot ignore the fact of people considering their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) before making a purchase anymore. Don't argue yet because the number of people who is social-oriented is increasing more and more every second.
'Today, the consumer looking to go green is increasingly likely to be an affluent professional woman wearing an eco-friendly and animal-free Stella McCartney suit and satin shoes. And if you want her dollars and her loyalty, you need to pay attention to the priorities she finds important when making her selection of luxury goods and services' (Danziger, 2008).
I remembered when I have Principle of Luxury Brands module last semester, we discussed a lot about ecology and luxury paradigm. To understand clearer, please see below:
From the picture shown, it describes that there are many cultures in ecology where luxury paradigm desire overlapping needs which later creating social status and lifestyle. In the previous time, luxury serves for aristocrat and old money focusing on its culture values later than ecology values. Therefore, huge part of environment was destroyed i.e. chemical release into the river as well as Carbon Dioxide emission into the air.
Luxury known for its craftsmanship and exclusive raw input; for instance, luxury yacht which consume gas and released pollute into the water causing millions of dead fish and decomposed corals. Or even any other laboratory-based facial care brands whose product ingredients rely on rare sea living thing i.e. seaweed. So the question is 'How to combine their luxury and the social responsibility together, and more importantly, causing damage to the earth at the minimum cost or not even at all?'
Yes! Luxury brands cannot deny the fact that they have caused trouble to the world. Unfortunately, only a few know how to fix it ,for instances; Stella McCartney, She came up with no-animal policy. Today she is the role model as environmentally-friendly fashion designer.
We are in the stage of finding what else heal the world?
Below is one of the interesting video I have found on Luxury Society website. Hops it helps to share with you.
Danziger, P. (2008). The Luxury Market Is Going Green - Brands Can't Afford to Ignore It. Available at : (accessed 28 February 2011)
Kelly, E. (2010). Going Green: The Future of Luxury. Available at: (accessed 28 February 2011)